Abbey Road Cocktail CompanionAbbey Road is my all-time favorite album, so I thought I would put my mixology skills to good use and honor it by crafting custom cocktails…Jan 3Jan 3
Songs of Mild Importance: “You Shook Me All Night Long” by AC/DCThe first show I ever played was at a venue in Ballwin, MO called Sky Music Lounge. I was in an after-school rock band program through a…Nov 29, 2023Nov 29, 2023
My Top Ten GuitaristsToday, Rolling Stone put out their updated list of the greatest guitarists of all time, and scrolling through it got me thinking about all…Oct 14, 2023Oct 14, 2023
My Top Ten Beatles SongsThe Beatles are my favorite band. They were the first band I was ever aware of, the first band I ever loved, and the band that has most…Sep 16, 20231Sep 16, 20231
Damager: On Worth, Language, and JusticeInspired by The Differend by Jean-Francois Lyotard.Nov 26, 2022Nov 26, 2022
I Am Not My Feelings: On Guilt, Cynicism, and the Stories We Tell OurselvesWe have the ability to make decisions, but our feelings are not one of them.Oct 18, 2022Oct 18, 2022
The EditorMaybe writing is all about control, even the pieces where I raise more questions than I answer, which has been the case with a lot of what…Jan 4, 2022Jan 4, 2022
Good Faith in the Age of Osteen: Epilogue (7/7)On Joel Osteen, existentialism, the Church, anxiety, and faith. Part 7 of a 7-part series.Jan 5, 2020Jan 5, 2020
Good Faith in the Age of Osteen: An Anxious Faith (6/7)On Joel Osteen, existentialism, the Church, anxiety, and faith. Part 6 of a 7-part series.Dec 29, 2019Dec 29, 2019
Good Faith in the Age of Osteen: Blessed in the Darkness (5/7)On Joel Osteen, existentialism, the Church, anxiety, and faith. Part 5 of a 7-part series.Dec 22, 2019Dec 22, 2019